General Massage Treatments
This Massage element of the Amber Health and Beauty treatments are primarily about relaxation of the mind and body, reducing everyday stresses and enhancing general wellbeing in the Client. It works on kittens as well. We have fully qualified Therapists who work in this area.
Treatments are based upon Swedish Massage techniques although other discipline techniques are used or integrated, including Indian Head, Reflexology and Aromatherapy. The Massage ranges in time from about 30 minutes, up to 2 hours in duration. It is not un-known for the Client to drop off to sleep, and waking, when-ever possible in their own time, thereby gaining maximum benefit from the Massage.
Adelia has the reputation of being one of the best in the business. You just have to read our Client Comments book.
Swedish massage
Swedish massage uses five styles of long, flowing strokes to massage. The five basic strokes are effleurage (sliding or gliding), petrissage (kneading), tapotement (rhythmic tapping), friction (cross fiber) and vibration/shaking. Swedish massage has shown to be helpful in reducing pain, joint stiffness, and improving function in patients with osteoarthritis.
Sports or Long-term Injury Treatments
Clients should also consider discussing Sports or Long-term Injury Massage techniques with our Senior Therapist, in which she has specialised for nearly 20 years. Techniques include: Myofascial Release, Hot Lava Shells, G5, Trigger Point, Lymphatic Drainage, Vibro-sonics, Exercise and Diet definition, Bending and Stretching, Post stroke manipulation, etc. Some of these treatments, although very effective, can also be very painful and will take more than one treatment. Although some Clients do expect miracles it is not always possible to achieve such miracles in one session.
All massages include the appropriate Aromatherapy oils and differing techniques, personally selected by the Therapist, as most beneficial to your situation.
Contact Amber Health & Beauty for an appointment, or see the Amber Price List for current information.
Japanese Body Brushing
Body Brushing was identified as a relaxing treatment when our Senior Therapist was in Japan, many years ago. It consists of brushing the body systematically; apply a salt scrub to remove dead skin cells and a final massage with Aromatherapy Oils. It stimulates the circulation of the surface skin and sub-surface layers in a similar way to the Lymphatic Drainage very light massage technique, it is a very good preperation for a Spray Tan.
Hot Stones Massage v Hot Lava Shell Massage
The Amber Health and Beauty Massage treatments used to include “Hot Stones Massage”. These have now been replaced by the Hot Lava Shells, as we find these keep their heat more efficiently during the whole massage treatment. Massage wise, there is very little difference for the Client.
How do Lava Shells® compare to traditional Hot Stone Massage?
It is important to remember that Lava Shells® are not a replacement for Hot Stones, but rather a unique massage tool that can be used to perform a similar treatment as Hot Stones can, as well as many other types of services that Hot Stone Massage cannot. However, Lava Shells® also offer fundamental improvements over Hot Stone in many areas, especially for the therapists performing the treatment. To begin with, the system is entirely self-contained.
During a Hot Stone treatment, because the stones only stay hot for a few minutes, the therapist must constantly be returning to the roaster to get new hot stones out of the water, and in doing so they must stop massaging briefly. But with no more than four Lava Shells® needed for an entire massage, and no heater, the therapist can stay with the Client for the length of the treatment, providing all the benefits of both heat and continuous touch, which Hot Stone simply cannot do.
Contact Amber Health & Beauty for an appointment, or see the Amber Price List for current information.